Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The Green Lantern

I honestly don't know much about this comic but I knew it had a lot of back story which is why it's not as huge as other superhero movies. My husband even made the observation that this movie wasn't as advertised as Iron Man.

I understand they had to go into the back story but the flow to the story line of Hal Johnson (Ryan Renolds) was made less important. There was a horrible scene change from Hal saying he couldn't do something to him just doing it. But other than the too quick turn around, this movie was thrilling in 3D and I recommend seeing it even if not in 3D.

I loved when Hal's character tried to disguise his voice to the girl he knew but he sounded so ridiculous we all laughed but it was great because they did it on purpose. (I hope.) Not everyone can pull off a Batman voice. (In fact, Christian Bale may be the only one.)

Colors have meanings which is true. There have been studies about how colors bring about emotion and this movie brings some of that to light. Green is the color of "will" which is the power the green lanterns use. Yellow is the color of "fear" which is what the adversary uses. We must have the will to overcome fear. (Corny but true.)

Favorite lines:
You don't have to be with out fear you have to over come fear. (something like that)
(I agree that you have to overcome fear. There is a saying, Faith and fear cannot exist together.)

I have seen what fear can do, once we go down that path we can't go back.
(Hal understood that fear was the greater enemy than those that use fear.) Hasn't someone said that? Oh yeah, "Nothing is to fear, but fear itself." Thank you Teddy.

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